Risen! The Musical

A Musical Feast you won't want to miss

Risen! The Musical portrays the greatest event in history and the foundation of the Christian faith - The Resurrection of Jesus. As St Paul states in his first letter to the Corinthians “And if Christ has not been raised then our preaching is futile and so is your faith.”  Despite this fact, the focus in Theatre has been, less on the Resurrection, and more on the Passion of Christ.

Risen! The Musical has,  therefore been conceived to complete the story of God’s love and saving grace, blessing followers of Jesus and informing and challenging those who are not yet His followers.

Risen! The Musical  is 115 minutes long and is an original synopsis of the four Gospel accounts beginning with  Jesus’ anointing at Bethany, continuing through His numerous resurrection appearances  to  the Ascension,  reliving a story of  adoration, betrayal, anguish, death, resurrection, doubt, amazement, love and  joy!
